Monday, 31 August 2015

Keep On...

Well what a weekend of highs! Possibly the polar opposite of last weekend, thanks to a really successful last long run on Sunday.

I can't believe I'm at the point of tapering again already. It feels amazing, and now is my chance to drop a few cheeky pounds in order to speed things up for race day. Not needing to take in so many carb-heavy meals to deal with the long 20+ mile runs is refreshing - most importantly I'm feeling strong, happy and healthy. Things are bang on track and I'm so excited to get to the Race Expo at Templehof and pick up my race number...then it'll definitely feel real.

After last week's mentally gruelling battle with glycogen depletion, I was determined to make this run far more positive and to go out with confidence and determination that I could complete 21 miles without any issues. I wasn't going to dwell on one bad run.

I'd decided to take the train out to Linlithgow and run the exact 21.5miles back to Viewforth along the Union things didn't bode well when the bus broke down on the way to the station. Needless to say, I missed two trains and had to mill about for another 30mins waiting for the next one...but I was keeping my chill...just. 

It was written in the stars!
The run itself was URMAAAAZING - admittedly the tow path was a bit narrow and uneven underfoot up until about Mile 14, but once I got to Ratho the path widened and I no longer had to dart into the rushes to escape the sporadic onslaught of cyclists. The lack of bins along the route meant shoving sticky gel wrappers back into my pocket, but the conveniently placed canal meant I could rinse those sticky fingers no bother. 

Every cloud...

Everything was perfect - the weather was spot on and everything went to plan. I'd scheduled myself 4hrs to complete the run, so when I reached Mile 20 feeling strong and mentally really focused, I upped the pace and pushed through the final 2.4miles in a faster pace than I'd completed any of the miles before that point. When I hit the finish line in 3hrs52mins I was absolutely ECSTATIC and felt really strong to have continued, so mentally that really spurred me on that I can complete the 26miles in Berlin in pretty good form and hopefully a pretty respectable time too.

When I ran LA I just wanted to I want a time.

I don't use a GPS watch while running, so pace-wise I just run to my own pace and "find my rhythm" as I call it. I'm possibly the world's worst advert for GPS pacing tools as I ran a pretty even pace throughout. I also noticed when I checked my splits that I'd run a 21.4mile negative split...meaning I ran the last 10miles faster than the first 10miles...and my fastest miles were miles 20 and 21. Unbelievable...I honestly didn't think I was capable - I'm overwhelmed and I was a bit emotional to have got to this stage of training to see that the sacrifices have all paid off. All those early mornings, all those refusals of lovely vino or beers during the all paid off. 
Negative Split FTW
The icing on the cake came when I arrived home and checked my email to see a notification from JustGiving to say I'd had a donation on my page. To my wonderful surprise, my very generous friend Mac had made the final donation I needed to hit my £1,000 for Alzheimer's Society - it all came together on that day. The hardest training was done, the fundraising was a success; I felt thankful, relieved, overwhelmed and excited all at the same time, and yes...I cried a little tear of grateful happiness.

Thank you to everyone who has listened to me ramble on about running, to everyone who has sponsored me, and to everyone reading this...because it really makes me committed to keep going and to keep running...and running has changed my life for the better in so many ways. 

Also this weekend I saw C!rca, my fave Aussie circus company - that was a massive inspiration to keep moving on Sunday. There's something about watching incredibly physically strong and agile people pushing their bodies to the extreme and demonstrating just what amazing things can come of dedication and hard work through training. It was beautiful and made me excited to get out and put my body through its paces on my long run. 

Equally inspiring is a new friend of mine who completed the Ultra Trail du Mont Blanc over the weekend - an ultra marathon that comprises 106miles, three countries, 9,500m elevation and is widely considered the toughest ultra in Europe. Caroline completed it non-stop in a little over 30hrs. Unbelievable...she said herself that she reached entirely new levels of digging deep, and I can't even begin to imagine what her body went through...but I was so inspired tracking her progress through the nights and watching her pass through those checkpoints knowing she was nailing it. Absolutely amazing. It made me think when I set off on Sunday "It's only 21miles"...weird, I know, but it helped me put things into perspective and not be daunted by the distance. 

All in all, it's been an inspiring weekend, and I got to spend some time with my best friend of 17 years while she was beasting the Fringe for a couple of days...made me this happy...

Straight down the line to Boogie Town...

Edinburgh is the place I love more than any other. This festival has been the best ever. I've seen poets, comedians, circus performers, buskers, choirs, preachers and dancers lining the streets on a daily basis. I've watched 100 people dance through George Square in headphones while all singing "Celebration" in unison and completely out of tune. I've learned salsa dancing in the Grassmarket while eating Stilton and grape ice cream from Mary's Milk Bar.  I've got a loyalty card from the German Bratwurst stand where if I buy eight brats I get my ninth free. I've also inadvertently become the subject of an active pool titled "What will Nikki get first: a free Bratwurst or a date?" 

Place your bets now because it's fucking ON.

In short, it's been mega. 

After 11 years living in Edinburgh, I love and appreciate this beautiful city more than I ever have and I am so so grateful to be able to make a happy, healthy and productive life for myself here. If you've never visited Edinburgh, I encourage you to put it on your destination list immediately - this isn't a new feeling, I just feel the urge to remind and reinforce.

So, from this gushingly excited runner to my beloved friends and support posse, here's to living the dream, embracing a challenge and paying attention to the little things that can bring you such simple joy on an otherwise entirely average day. 

Lots of love,
Nikki. xxx

Sunday, 23 August 2015

The Wall...and other tales of Tempest...

I'm going to get the running chat out of the way first.

This week was my highest mileage, busting out 42.8miles (69km) over four runs. The first three runs were amazing and I went into today's 20.7miler feeling optimistic. But I hit the wall at 18/19 and it was rough, man. It doesn't help that I hit it in Holyrood Park, surrounded by ALL THE IDIOTS IN THE WORLD. Then had to climb that bitchin' great incline between the lochs.

Basically "The Wall" is the point at which your body has used up all its glycogen stores in the liver and muscles and has to transition into burning other fuels it can find. It hits around the 20mile mark and causes sudden fatigue, weakness, dizziness, and ABSOLUTE DESPAIR. Your serotonin levels increase, causing your dopamine to drop which results in a severe lack of motivation and real mental feelings of "I can't do this". In short, it's a really shitty place to find yourself.

I'd been on track with my buddy Rowland for the most part, but he recognised this was a battle I had to fight alone and I encouraged him to run ahead while I spent a hard 3mins pulling myself back together (I called my Mum for equal parts comfort and an ass-kicking pep-talk). Although short periods of rest won't help you get through the chemical turmoil you're body is in, it worked and I ran the final miles home, albeit slowly.

Everything was hurting, and I'm pretty sure that consuming a strict 1,900 calories per day to drop some weight is not conducive to getting me over that mentally and physically crushing hurdle at 20miles. I'mma need to reassess and regroup.

Tonight, my IT Bands are's been a niggle for the past 3yrs, but tonight I'm miserable and the only rational place to be feels like the kitchen floor with my foam roller. I have been sat here for an hour, rolling about and complaining to myself. I have no appetite and Tom isn't home to feeeeeed meeeeee, so I've had half a pineapple for my dinner.

Running Reality: The hardest line to get to is the start line...

I'm fully aware that none of this behaviour is ideal - my point being that, mentally, a really difficult run can shred you and strip you of all common sense. I burned in excess of 3,100 calories on my run today and all I've had since is pineapple and a litre of 1% fat chocolate milk at 700cals. But I am uninspired and sore and the hours are ticking by.

Tomorrow will be better. This is what your sponsorship is for...getting me through these miles and mental hurdles...because today is harder than any race day will ever be.

Puhleeease sponsor me!!

...and if anyone wants to bring me some dinner, I am all about that too.

Other things this week - I went to see Kate Tempest.


*Cue overexcited enthusiasm*

Being in a room with Kate Tempest is like standing in front of a moving train. She flies at you, unstoppable, yet you’re completely frozen to the spot and you can’t wait to be knocked down by the weight of her words and the ferocity of her passionate delivery.

Nominated for the Mercury Music Prize in 2014, aficionados will be familiar her debut rap album Everybody Down, but rapping is just one branch of Kate Tempest’s immense talents, the roots of which run so deep and promise untold greatness yet to be unearthed.

Not only did she receive a Mercury nomination for Everybody Down, she is also the youngest ever winner of the Ted Hughes Prize for poetry for her epic poem Brand New Ancients and has since been commissioned to write for the Royal Shakespeare Company amongst other serious theatre peeps.

Here is a woman whose love of hip hop music and the lyrically sublime such as Saul Williams lead her on a path to promoting spoken word performance poetry and hauling it into the limelight, where it absolutely belongs to be. I relate to Kate Tempest when she talks about appreciating lyrics above everything when she listens to music. This is why I loved Roisin Murphy's music so much as a teenager, and of course I still love it now...I was hearing Roisin's words, and it made her music speak to me differently to anything I'd really heard before.

It's also why I stopped writing music - I felt like I didn't have any experiences to write about...nobody wants a pretty rhyming couplet for the sake of it.

Kate Tempest: The Poet Performs was a showcase of the poems from her new collection called Hold Your Own. It was set in the thin-walled ramshackle structure that is the Baillie Gifford Main Theatre at this year’s Edinburgh International Book Festival, and not even the roar of two RAF Typhoon jets flying low overhead could distract from her awesome flow and beautiful narrative, telling stories of sex, love, youth, alienation and human disparity, with the odd Greek myth thrown in for good measure.

Kate the person and Kate the performer almost feel like two very different people. The former is a very quiet, softly spoken, youthful looking woman from Lewisham who explains with a shrug of her shoulders and a little pacing back and forth that the best way to tell the stories of all the voices in Hold Your Own is to let them flow as one piece. So we shouldn’t be thinking “This is a bit rude, she ain’t even said ‘ello after 45minutes”, in her own words.

Yet after a charming and eloquent introduction of “Ladies, Gentlemen and everything in between, these are the poems from Hold Your Own”, omg, the poet truly did perform and the room was silent. 

Much should be praised when we consider a young woman commandeering a room of 600 people, all different ages and walks of life, many there alone (that’s what poetry is for), engrossed and not even flinching at a pre-watershed dropping of the c-bomb. It’s all about dropping it with class you see, dahling, and I came away feeling inspired and enlightened and ready to write again.

So to those who question the intelligence of hip hop music, I'm going to encourage you to explore the varied works of Kate Tempest and broaden your musical harvests. Let the unusual in and embrace it, you never know what you might discover.

Hip hop ignited the fire within this intelligent and incredibly engaging young rapper; what’s more it took her around the world and placed her in front of 600 people and a two minute standing ovation on a rainy Wednesday night at a literature festival.

Bish. Bash. Bosh.

I love her. She inspires me in a way I haven't felt in 15 years.


Nikki. xxx

Sunday, 16 August 2015

The Fringes of Society: "This is a blog about cat-calling"...

Hard to know where to start this week. It's been a busy one of Fringe-fuelled-fun, alongside a few great runs and an exciting, challenging and encouraging week at work. 

It never rains but it pours, as they say. 

Ultimately this post is worth sticking with...once I've rambled through the usual weekly running chat as standard. I get stuck into my feminist stride about half way through. #Justsaying

Highlights this weekend - bit of a 4am singalong with my lovely Big Hand boys at Late 'n' Live..

Oh hold me up
...and an amazing short film about a little known act of solidarity by some engineers at Rolls Royce in East Kilbride during the Chilean coup d'etat in the 70s. 


Last Monday was perfect for churning out a hard 10 miles in some of Edinburgh's finest headwinds. I'll never figure out how this city manages you can run 10 miles, made up of two 360 loops, and yet you're always running against the ferocious wind. If nothing else, I've perfected my "running man". 

Having said that, it was a great run and I made it up the long, steady 1.2 mile incline round the back of Arthur's Seat without stopping a step. Then I did the same thing last night on a quick 11 miler, at bang on 10min/mile pace, and a successful negative split...all after the long run on Sunday. I can't believe it. 

Those kind of achievements make all the difference to the mental game when it comes to marathon training. Sometimes pounding out the same, long miles can ebb away at your resolve to keep pushing yourself, and you get stuck in a rut of only doing what is comfortable, never pushing yourself. Thankfully, pushing against the elements in Scotland definitely adds to a very useful sense of accomplishment. Hill reps also help, because it's encouraging when you notice an improvement in ability to sprint to the top of a ruddy great big incline.

In the name of actively combatting the boredom of running the same pavements any longer, I went on a gorgeous jaunt through the countryside on Saturday morning. I took the bus out to Carlops in the Scottish Borders and ran the 14miles back to town, then threw in a loop of my favourite run in the city to make it up to a swift, painless and entirely enjoyable 16.5miles. The only thing that wasn't encouraging was the number of carcasses on the side of the A702....

The long and beautiful road home

There's nothing quite like the smell of festering roadkill on a warm summer's day to keep you moving.

And badgers are MASSIVE!

Anyway. It was a great run and I'm now super motivated for my last two long runs before I start tapering. sweet, sweet taper. 

Then, in the name of carb-loading, I'm going to eat ALL ZE POTATOES IN BERLIN, JA! Should be a far cry from the challenge that was sourcing carbs on Abbot Kinney. That shit was ridiculous; this time I'm ready. This time I've got my head in the carbs game and I'm going to a city with 24hr access to bread and teddy bear ham. 

(It's a long story for another time...)

I've been sitting here trying to think of a clever transition into talking about cat-calling, but I haven't found it. 

So this is a blog about cat-calling.

You'll have to forgive me for the potentially chop-change direction this may go in, but the topic is something I feel so passionately about and something I feel vaguely qualified to comment on from a feminist perspective. Not only do I experience it a lot, between running or just walking down the street both in the UK and abroad, it's something I've spoken about at length with other women, and men, with various personal experiences. 

First thing. Yes, it does "still happen" and yes it happens to me at least once a week. Secondly, no, it's not flattering, and it's not intended to be. Thirdly, it is absolutely imperative for me to highlight that nothing a victim does, the way they dress or the way they wear their hair, the hobbies they choose to pursue and the time of day they leave the house, none of it solicits cat-calls. This has nothing to do with the way someone chooses to present themselves - it comes down to age old misogynistic ignorance and it's nothing clever or witty or's just plain old harassment. It's abuse. And it's not just verbal either.

A couple of weeks ago I'd been sharing some of my cat-calling "howlers" with a friend over lunch. I also mentioned that more recently I'd become so enraged by it that, in certain cases, I'd started to challenge those who said something to me, by stopping, turning around and questioning their behaviour in a calm and genuinely quizzing way. Because I genuinely do want to know what they are possibly getting out of their actions...or what they hope to achieve. 

I've become sick of feeling that I should "just ignore it, Nik". I've been told this all my life by my parents, my colleagues, when someone behaves in a way I feel is unjustified. We are told all the time "Just ignore them, they're jealous/insecure/just doing it to provoke you"..."just walk away". Why should I be the one to walk away?! Why am I letting this continue? Why shouldn't we be challenging this behaviour? Should we also "just ignore" incidents of systemic racism? Or should we "just walk away" from our responsibilities to curb climate change? Why aren't we being encouraged to just ignore those issues?

As far as I see it (and this isn't a criticism of the lovely men I know who would never dream of being such idiots), it's left to women to step up and challenge male behaviour because male peers have clearly failed to do it for generations. I realise I'm also using men calling after women as a general example here, and that it does work both ways, but I'm going off what's most common for the sake of argument (and to keep this within 5hrs of ranting).

When someone yells after me in the street, they have the power and the control in that situation. Although I'm plenty big and strong, I am still physically less big and strong than a man...generally speaking. 

I have now started to turn around and walk into that male-dominated reclaim the power for myself and to take control of the situation. And that's a scary place to be - I'm not going to suggest it's easy and not frightening. And I get mixed reactions when I calmly walk over and ask a man "I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch what you said - were you trying to speak to me about something?" For the most part it creates slight panic and it jolts people off the expected course of action. It has a slightly different effect to blowing snot from both nostrils through the open window of a car full of fat, middle aged men who were FOOLISHLY stopped at traffic lights when they decided to jeer, hiss, whistle and groan at me. Word of warning. Don't cat-call a runner when they are jacked up on endorphins and have hashed out plans for most cat-calling scenarios after being subjected to countless incidents.

I'm surprised these guys are even walking upright they're so under-evolved...

And this is a specific kind of scenario...not the kind when people want to start a conversation with you and start walking alongside you. They are the creepiest, the most nerve-wracking and unpleasant situations.

But then things also get more serious in other ways. My friend told me last week about when she was walking for dinner with friends to a restaurant in Edinburgh and a man came along and smacked her ass really hard, then wandered off laughing. A complete stranger. If you laughed reading that, shame on you...I'm so glad you think that unprovoked assault of a woman is so funny.

My friend was obviously shocked, and there is an unnecessary yet natural feeling of embarrassment that coincides with this abject horror. Her friends did nothing, and to make everything worse they were concealing their laughter (why it feels like a waste of breath sometimes). Two other men came along and asked what happened...when she told them the guy had hit her on the ass, they laughed and replied "Oh, right, ok" and walked on. 

Errrrm...sorry, NO. Not ok. 


If she'd told them the guy had smacked her across the face, would they have still laughed and walked on without offering any help or support? Would you still have laughed reading my introduction to the story of what happened, above? I'm thinking not...because hitting someone in the face is considered to be assault. Yet because this action was intended as something indirectly sexual towards a woman...oh, that's ok, is it? That's not assault? That's ok. 

It's not ok. It is assault.

We as women run a risk, even when calling men out in a calm way - if we don't do it calmly, we're branded as "psycho bitches". That again is a whooooole other issue for another rainy day. But more importantly I want men to realise that they are our much-needed ally here. The only way men will behave differently is if other men call them out on their shitty actions. The same applies with verbal abuse, especially when it's conducted in public and everyone sits in silence because we are a backwards nation of awkward, perennial conflict avoiders. 

I am done with avoiding conflict. I've done it all my life and I'm taking a supportive stand for my fellow victims...and myself. 

Here's a video that's equal parts fabulous and annoying - aside from suggesting that cat-calling is only "real" once it's been witnessed by a man...and that victims of cat-calling are only validated by their relationship to a man ("someone's daughter, someone's wife") *le sigh* it hints at what I'm sick and tired of experiencing...

Imagine that...

Nikki. xxx

Monday, 10 August 2015

"That time I ate leftover lentils for three days"...

Oh hello! 

Slightly late to the blogging party this week, due to having an actual party in my garden on Saturday and scoring some much appreciated dolla dolla for Alzheimer's Society. 

I skipped the long run in exchange for approximately 18 gazillion trips up and down the stairs to my top floor flat, getting everything sorted for all you generous hungry people to come and devour "flame grilled" goodness for a great cause. Doesn't sound too bad, does it?

In short, I held a fundraising BBQ in my back garden and asked guests to pop some sponsorship in the collection can, along with sharing a memory or two on my timeline (aka the washing line). 

"That time when"...
I wanted the timeline to act as a gentle reminder of why we were all there and why I was fundraising in the first place. We're lucky to be able to delve into so many vivid memories and it's important to share them with each other - those with dementia struggle to form and store new memories and I thought a little memory activity would be a nice addition to the day. 

Some sunshine would have been a nice addition too. It started off so well...

Overall it was a great day though, and I can't say thank you enough to all the people who came, ate, drank, donated, shared, laughed, listened. You are all wonderful and I hope you enjoyed the day as much as I did. 

I also have to say a mahoosive thank you to local brewery Stewart Brewing for donating all those bottles of scrummy Pils, and to Brew Lab for donating a keg of super cool Nitro Cold Brew coffee for those of us avoiding the alcomahol.

I'm now 80% of the way towards my fundraising target and I'm genuinely so grateful for all the generous sponsorship I've received so far. It really helps as I head into the final weeks of serious mileage. 

Last Saturday I did indeed head out on the usual roads to run 18.1 miles. After all that moaning and whining it was actually a really nice run; I felt in much better shape than I did the week before. I even pulled a "sprint" finish out of the bag! Maybe I was just that desperate to get inside for a chocolate milkshake? 

Whatever the reason, the run went really well - I've finally worked out that the back eight miles are slightly uphill all the way, so it's hardly surprising they feel utterly soul-destroying. Totally different head game once you realise it though - I can't believe I've not worked out why I felt so tired running it before.

Ah yes, I said I'd review the Lulu Lemon socks too...well there was no blood, which is always a good start. However, they felt a lot less secure than my Asics marathon socks do - the weaving is a lot looser (I'm guessing for breatheability) and I came back with a few little blisters here and there. They're lovely for anything up to 10k, but I'd recommend tighter fitting layered marathon socks for anything over that. I felt like they were slipping around a lot and I prefer something much more snug-fitting and tightly woven. They look lovely and they've washed well - but whether they are worth a tenner, I'm not really that sure. 

So what's coming up? The weather is uninspiring and the Fringe is upon us, which means the streets are teeming with people and umbrellas. As such I've planned my next three long runs to avoid the city as best possible: 

1) Take the bus to Carlops in the Scottish Borders and run 18 miles home. 
2) Take the train to Drem in East Lothian and run 19.5 miles home.
3) Take the train to Linlithgow in West Lothian and run 21.5 miles along the Union Canal back home.

DOES THIS PUT INTO PERSPECTIVE HOW FAR I AM TRAVELLING ON FOOT?! It's blowing my tiny mind how far this is. Anyway, after that it's the blessed taper - I'm so excited. I'm even more excited to get to Berlin, see my friends there, explore the Expo at Templehof, carb load on outrageous amounts of all you can eat Russian brunch...

...if I think about it too much I get properly emotional. 

Best stop there - I'm off out on a cheeky 10 miler now to get a nice bit of distance in the legs, so I feel marginally less guilty for skipping a long run this weekend. Thank you again for those who have sponsored me so far, and if you would still like to do that thing, head to my JustGiving page

Lots of love and a bit of boogie. xxx

Saturday, 1 August 2015

"Yarp..? Narrrrrrp"

I sat for over an hour last night, and have been sat for another 45mins this morning, trying to plan out a 17-18mile route that doesn't include that god-forsaken stretch of Portobello promenade and Brunstane Burn that I pound out every weekend...because I swear, if I have to run that stretch one more time, I'm going to lose the will to live. 

I had to take a time out to write this down because I guess it's just another aspect of marathon prep that people don't really notice or think about. I always say that being sponsored to run a marathon isn't really about the race at's all the prep and arduous hours it takes to get to race day. This frustrating, head-in-hands process is one of the more mentally challenging things to contend with.


It sounds like such a silly thing to say - surely running is running and it's always boring, no matter where you run, right? Well, not if you really enjoy running and you have to run a really long way on a regular basis. Imagine watching the same film every Saturday morning ten weeks in a row. Then watch the same episode of the same show four times a week on top of that. Sounds like it would get pretty boring pretty quickly, right? 

That's exactly how I'm feeling - except I can't seem to find a new film to watch. I'm doing the equivalent of sitting in front of the Netflix menu for two hours when you can't quite come up with anything you feel comfortable committing to, so you end up just watching Hot Fuzz again because it's on the telly anyway.


My way of phrasing it is this: the hardest line that you'll cross in a marathon isn't the finish line, it's the start line. 

Once race day arrives you're all set. You've done all the hard work, all the preparation and training; you've got fresh legs, the route is brand new and exciting and the atmosphere will carry you through no matter what. But running for 3-4 solid hours, alone, every weekend before that point is potentially soul destroying if you don't keep things interesting. 

So I'm probably going to end up running the same route as usual in an hour's time, the thought of which is already bringing me close to tears this morning. It doesn't really bode well for my mental focus when the fatigue starts to kick in. 

I don't have a witty answer to my conundrum this week. I'm genuinely feeling deflated and just needed to share the downs as well as the ups with you all while on this marathon journey. These are the harder days, and though I usually have a silver lining to share, all I'm seeing today is a big fat moody cloud ready to rain all over me as soon as I leave the flat.

I did however score some free £10 socks from Lulu Lemon this week after popping in for a look round and an obligatory schmooze with the handsome sales assistant. Winning. All in the name of "product testing" apparently - I'll take them for a spin and deliver my verdict. I also painted my nails with some suitably Deutsch farben to keep me motivated for Berlin. Saddo Ganders ought to get out more.

Go faster stripes
Lulu Lemon freebies!

I'd love to see a few more donations popping up on my JustGiving page if we can. I'm now into my 60 alcohol free days before race day, so if you think I deserve a pint after an 18mile run this weekend, please please please just donate the price of that pint to Alzheimer's Society instead. It really will make all the difference, seeing as I'm now on a nutrition plan that sadly omits ALL THE TASTY TASTY BEER.

Your sponsorship genuinely helps me to stay positive and focused when out on these long, hard runs at the weekend. I'm committed to raising £1,000 for Alzheimer's Society in order to run Berlin Marathon, so please consider donating a cheeky few pounds while payday is fresh in our pockets!

Thank you so much as always to everyone who has supported my fundraising and tolerated my dull running chat so far - time to get my trainers on for y'all! 

Nik. xxx